Greetings Viewers,
Welcome to the New World.
We are Anonymous.
We wanted to share something with you...and we know how you love here we go.
People wake up from different things. An event that makes you finally see that something is not right. A document or discovery you make, perhaps by accident, which tosses you into a world you can’t believe is real.
Many are awake but even those who are, are still desperately asleep in many ways. As we were…
What sparked the curiosity, which lead to this project... was that the elite families of the world claim to be from King David and Cain. However, they refuse to reveal their genealogy. This all started, for us, as a challenge to simply find the genealogy of the rulers of today’s elite blood lines. In their entirety. They have hidden it very well. Now. We know why. And it was more disturbing than we could have imagined. We exposed it to you in a small amount here.
The history and path of this elite family is kept very. Very. hidden. Not only have translations of documents been changed, but most original historical documents and archaeological discoveries are taken over by the elite and locked down and sealed. They change their names and terms so often, it is dizzying. This can make it difficult to see what is going on and follow the heavily intertwined blood line. Hiding them. Exactly as it is intended. We hope this will help you begin to see the web of deception a bit clearer. It takes time indeed and study to literally put the fibers of their genealogical DNA together.
Needless to say, it involves countless hours and months and for most people, years of exhaustive research to find the real truth on any one topic. Let alone link them all together to uncover the web. Calendars, days, months and times have been changed through history as the elite have come into power and lining them back up again is tedious to say the least. Religion, education and science have all been created and corrupted by these elite, which can be followed back. The deception and censorship is in every area of our lives today. We are all kept in one track of sight and never able to step back from our stress and work and see the bigger picture of what we are contributing to. We have all been lied to. We have all be deceived. But. Thanks to the internet we have the ability to find out whatever we wish to know. If we are wise and able to use discernment. We can still find the truth. Barely.
There is much more detail in our writing, El. The Blood Lines. Which can be red for free and distributed as you wish at The link is in the description. We have done our best to keep this video understandable and of a reasonable length. To help you have the basic understanding of what everyone should know. We hope this small peek into reality will thrust you into the pages of our discoveries and that you then further explore the truth for yourself. We have red thousands of original historical writings. From papyrus and stone. We have translated from and into dozens of ancient languages to be certain the information was the truth. We have exposed concealed and confidential documents. We have written our findings in an easy to read document for everyone. No one should be alive in our day of information, and not know the truth of our world. You must understand the depth of your deception. The power of the elite today is all consuming and we have only this moment. This time in history. To repair the world for good. We have the power as we wake up and see the truth around us. We must wake now, before it is too late.
Lets look at the world we are in today. For those who may still not be aware of the federal reserve, FEMA, the collapse of the dollar and Martial law in America. Then we urge you to look into it. Much will be covered here but it is assumed you have a general idea of how that is all in play right now in America and many other countries. Very briefly let us look into the issue at hand. so we are all on the same page in that respect. The problems created under the control of the elite affect us all.
Now that we know what is going on least a little more.
Of course there is much more going on around the world. but we will be detailing what is necessary for this topic only.
Pt 2
So who are these bankers and elite who design and control our lives? They have all been exposed to you before by many. But perhaps we can adjust the lens so you can see it more clearly.
The elite who control the rulers of the world today are all connected by blood as well as belief. They hide behind many things. They have been hiding behind the term Jew for most of history. They are not of the tribe of Judah. Which is why real Jews oppose them. They are not Judean, Juden or Jews. The star called the star of David is the star of Davids son Solomon. David and his tribe use the symbol of the Menorah. Solomon was a Luciferian, from the elite blood line. Which is not passed down from the male side but the female side of the gene pool. We stopped using the womans line as the family identifier long before ancient Rome. Since the masses caught on to who they were. After that, the elite changed to using the male name and family as the identifier. Solomon was married to one of the elite blood line and belief. The star is a symbol of Lucifer. The new terms for Luciferian today are Jesuit and Zionist. Always remember they use different names. Different terms. They are always in a state of change. It is all the same thing.
That is what they are. One only need look at their symbols. They can be identified by the jewelry they wear today. The symbol of their status. This is not a joke. This is proven fact. And has been for centuries. Give unto Cesars that which is Cesars. Who is Cesar? He who stamps his symbols on everything he uses to control us.
Many do not understand what it actually means. The depth of the seriousness of this groups beliefs. Their belief is what they live by. What they are sworn to act on. The plan they follow is scripted to them because of their belief. So we must learn more.
You watching this now. We are not discussing your beliefs here. We are discussing the elite who control us believe. For a brief moment. So please relax and keep an open mind. We must know our masters.
So let us dive right in.
Be aware. The elite have been blinding us all for a very long time. They do everything they can to keep you from the truth. What is the oath they live by?
Lets discuss for a moment. How does this become so large without us all knowing about it?
That is much easier to see, if we simply take a step back and look at a general example. We will be going into greater details on this as we continue. But put yourself in the following situation.
As an example, America contains 29 Jesuit Universities and 60 Jesuit High Schools that are known today. This can be seen in every country under Jesuit control. Not only are schools and universities under their control. But hospitals and many other facilities and organizations and corporations. They own the media, medicine and more. Citizens are told by the controlled media and others that these places are the tops schools. The best of the best. Why do you think that is. Seriously. Apply that concept to every thing.
So. We are all cattle. The Jesuits founded all of these places throughout your country over time. With the plan to use them as mind control on you. Mind control is often thought of as MK Ultra. What people never seem to see is that they had already applied that concept to everything. They had been doing mass mind control on populations for generations. Censoring what you learn. What you read. What you see. What you become. From the beginning. MK Ultra never ended. Just like the rest of the projects we have been able to learn about. Thanks to the internet and our ability to get access to knowledge that was not accessible before. We can now identify them as the Banker Jesuit Elite we know fairly well today. But the rabbit hole is much wider than that. They have infected every aspect of our lives. What food we eat. The air we breathe. The diseases we get. The medication. All of it. We will be touching on all of these subjects in this movie.
Now. Let us just look at the university as an example to see how it works in practice. How do people get involved? How do they let themselves get under this control? Put yourself in the situation.
You work very hard in school and get very good grades. You perhaps get a scholarship and are accepted to a top University. A dream come true. The chance of a life time. Where everyone wishes they could go. You were chosen.
So you go off to this great new start to change the world. You are instantly greeted by a group of new found friends. You are accepted. So you try hard to fit in and are eager to please. You bring the beer to the parties. They laugh at your jokes.
One day. They tell you to come to a secret meeting or to join them later. Alone.
You know this is it. You knew there was something about them. Something they did. You are excited they finally want to share it with you! They want you to be part of their group. Perhaps you do not even know what the group really is but you know these people have the nice cars. The hottest dates. The most money. They have power. They are nice to you and you want what they have. You are chosen. Because they know what you covet. They have watched you. They have selected you.
Most are too naive to see the deception at this level. Since we see it in daily life from the time we are born. Your neighbor growing up did not like the boy across the street so he was shunned or bullied or simply shut out of being a friend. In high school the cool kids picked on and bullied those who were perhaps not able to dress in new clothes or struggled in class. We learn that we have to fit the correct mold in order to be in a certain place in life. There is always a ladder to climb in the societies controlled by the Jesuits. This is what government and religion is based on. This is indoctrination. Control. Mentally. Socially. Everything is manipulated and controlled by them. A chain of command. A popular and unpopular. A division. However. Those who do get selected have a choice at this moment to never go further but to run away from the trap of lust.
A popular secret society would be the Free Masons. To continue with the time line of how this works in some ones life. We will continue with this example. So. Your friends lead you to their other group of friends. The Masons. You hear good things about them. Because you are controlled. You see the main stream news. The main stream internet searches. You believe the story you are told. Why would it be different?
For the more serious clubs, like Free Mason. Everyone. I mean Every person who does not already know what free masons are when they go into it. Will not learn until it is too late to leave. There are always choices we can make. But rarely do people research deep enough to find the truth about what they involve themselves in. We are kept blinded from birth. We are told these people are what we should aim to be. They are rich. They have the good life. They would never be involved in something bad.
Unless they are a top level member of those societies. They have no idea of the reality of what they are involved in. Not only are we all told and controlled by a lie. An illusion. From the beginning of our lives. But this illusion hinders most of us from even looking for the truth.
So you join the Free Masons with your friends. You instantly get noticed from more people. You are contacted by the top professors and possible employers. You have a new car and money is not a problem to come by any more. Thanks to your new friends. Now. Say. You want to be a top athlete. Or musician. Or lawyer. Or doctor. Not just any doctor or athlete. A top level Olympian. Respected. Famous. Successful. You want fame and fortune. It is easy to put yourself in their shoes at this point. You rise in the group that promises you all these things. Your dedication is rewarded as you climb the ladder of what you call success. The ever faithful servant. One day you are chosen. They want to initiate you into the 33rd degree. The top levels are finally achievable. The good life is almost here.
This would be another time for you to make a choice to run from them. But you are brain washed. You have been kept blind until this point. You continue up the ladder of control. You are focused. You work to be promoted. You are driven. You are consumed.
A classic American...I mean slave.
This initiation is where reality hits full force. Blackmail. Now. You have been doing many things in your new found prosperity. With your new friends. Things you would probably not have done or have been able to do without their money and the group you are in. They know all of it. They have proof of all of it. They show you videos. Emails. Phone calls. Recordings. Photos. And more. What they show you would ruin your reputation and your life. Permanently. How could they do this to you? They are your friends. They reassure you it is only to be sure you will keep your mouth shut. You swear the oath and a vow of silence about the group. And they will keep you safe and successful. You feel you have no choice.
You take the oath.
Only to find out that was only the beginning. They perform a humiliation ritual on you which typically involves sexual acts and a live burial for a period of time. Until you are reborn into the family. Now. You must pay your dues. They must ensure you will never tell. Like a ton of bricks at this point. You now know you will never able get out of this and live. They confirm it. You must make a blood sacrifice. Yes. A Human Sacrifice. Child Rape. Torture and Murder. Ritual Murder of family members and friends. Did you think this was child’s play? This is how you become a star.
You must pay to play. Want more fame or fortune. Or if they feel your loyalty may be fading. You will have to pay more. Sell your soul for fortune and fame. We will get into the rituals in more detail as we continue. However. You can see the level of saturation they have and hopefully you can see how this is so huge that the deception is hard to see. The rabbit hole is very wide indeed. We shall discover how deep it is, as we go on. Big things always start small. This is the reality of the elite who rule us. This scene can be seen in every group that the Jesuit elite have ever created. Same mind control. Same pyramid scheme. They are all created and controlled by the Jesuit elite so it matters little which term you use. The top circles. They control us all.
For the elite blood line. The top Jesuits in control today. A common practice is to have a so called important child secretly or quietly without fanfare. This child is only important only to the public. The poster child. The face of change. They breed the chosen child from the bloodline. The child then is adopted out at birth. To hide the identity. It takes on another last name, which hides the genealogy. It’s life is completely scripted and controlled and they are brought up in the societies including Free Mason and they serve their purpose in the ruling elite’s plan. This is explained in greater detail in our document.
You must keep in mind that the puppet rulers are controlled from the start. We all are. If only on a different scale. By the time they realize what they are involved in. It is too late. It is their blood. Though many never wake up. They are consumed. Those who do wake up are killed. We saw this with the infamous JFK and Lincoln.
Since we have a general idea of what we are dealing with here. Who are these elite Jesuit puppets and masters today?
Lets explore just a few of them quickly.
These corrupt people we point out in our current society live by a script. They play by the numbers. Every action they do. Is given to them by their controllers. And they play both sides.
The controlling elite Zionist Jesuits command the Vatican under Luciferian Law. Yes. The elite are a bunch of damned satanists. They have to do human sacrifice rituals and child sex rituals to have and increase their status in the elite. I dont like it any more than you do. Trust me. But this is truth. It is not usually pleasant. They control the media.
Some have been found out and exposed. But the rest of them lie waiting for us to rip them out of the dark.
We have to understand, the puppets, as evil as they are. Can change. If they have any humanity left in them. Anyone can change to the side of goodness and truth. We must do our best to help them. When they come forward we must support them and stand with them. They must know that there is hope for those who stand up for what is right. Even if they have never done so before. Though they live by oath and under Luciferian laws. They can be freed. They just dont think they can. They are deceived. If they have the courage. We were never promised that life would be easy. Hope. Freedom. Love. Are all very difficult. But we must have all of these. To be humanity.
Pt 3
So. We now know a bit more about the elites of today and what they believe and do. Lets look into the plan for the New World Order they are calling Global Government and International Community today. It has 3 parts to it. It is the same three parts they have always tried to bring into practice through history. You can see the exact schemes. The exact chess moves repeated by them time and time again. In every facet of life.
The first part. One government is already in place. As we saw earlier thanks to the 10 kingdoms under the UN which is controlled and owned by the Vatican. We are all under the ownership of the Jesuit Vatican. The only thing to do now is tear down all the countries and kingdoms we fooled masses think we live in today. To get us all on board.
The next part which is happening now. One currency. This is the reason why the dollar is being dissolved. The planned destruction called the migrant crisis we see today with the middle east and Africa is due to a war planned well before the seventies. Just another crusade to destabilize countries. De populate. Destroy history again so they can once again re write it. They have always destroyed historical sites and hospitals and schools. For centuries. For thousands of years. This is what they have done. The same elite Jesuit Blood Line. All of the divisions they force on us and corral us into. They use against us. They create divisions of every kind. One every level. Then, they will put forth the idea of change. Whatever the change is, it will ensure more safety. Or more peace. Or more wealth. Whatever you need to hear to follow the wolf in sheeps clothing. They create a problem. Then they give you the solution. So they do now with the collapse of the dollar. World Police. World Government called Community. And coming up next. One Religion.
Because of time restrains we will not be able to cover much history of the elite as we are focused on exposing them and what they are doing today. In this movie.
The original name for this elite group and the one they use to call themselves in secret today. Is the Synagogue of Satan. Changed to Synagogue of Zion. Changed to Scribes. Pharisees. Sadducees. And so on. Long before they were called Jesuits. They were called Magi. Jesuit means Magi or Magick which is the study of the satanic occult. Called Kab allah today. It is alchemy. Astrology. Mysticism. Occult. To be a true Jesuit or Magi, you must be in the blood line, just like their relatives the Spartans. They keep the blood pure. Further, the candidate must be deemed worthy. Usually depended on their financial status combined with occult power. They study astrology and use many symbols in all that they do. Signs and Symbols rule the world. It is a code.
The star is probably the most popular one. The Star of Solomon which represents Saturn. Apollo. Baal. Nimrod. Osiris. The god of the Sun who is El. or. Satan. The hexagram and the pentagram are both Luciferian symbols with different and extensive meanings. As all symbols. If you want to be awake. Then you better know the meanings of the symbols they brain wash us with subliminally and blatantly.
So. The Magi, short for Maju siya, who were sorcerers, magicians, astrologers from Persia in and long before 4 BC. In that time, they were called kings. It is just another term for priest. They are magicians. Masters of deception. They always rename, because they know it confuses those who are not vigilant. A rose by any other name. We must be awake.
The power structure or government they use calls for two leaders. In the Vatican today we see a Black and White Pope. When they ruled ancient Egypt there was a Priest and a King. Before that when they were still in the woods of Germany and called the Pannonians after their god Pan who is Lucifer. They used a Kagan and Bek. Then they moved to Rome and created the General and a Chaplain. Military and Religion. The Puppet Military Force and Master of the Mind. We hope you can see which is the more powerful. And stop feeding the trolls.
Alakazar once warned: “The audience will always look where the magician looks. The magician
must never look at what he wants to conceal. The audience will treat as important what the
magician treats as important, and as unimportant what the magician treats as unimportant.”
One Egyptian high priest, Kartir, led a crusade to purify Zoro astrian ism. This is what the elite called their religion at that time. Kartir led a crusade to do what crusades do. Depopulate. Force populations into a certain government or religion. No different than the crusade going on today. He carved the Zoroastrian teachings on rock faces of mountains, which can still be seen in Iran and throughout the middle east today. The Zoroastrians believed fire was sacred and Kartir limited the use of fire by the real Jews, including flames used in lamps. They tried to dominate education among the Jews and destroyed synagogues. Are you starting to see how nothing changes. The elite are not Jews.
Persia was invaded. The Zoroastrian priests decided they needed a new religion again. They chose a devout Roman Catholic named Muhammad to study and become a disciple of the Kab Allah. The elite erased the name they went by from his copies of their documents, and created Muhammad as the new Zoroaster. Jesuit. Poster Child. As usual. It is all exposed in their own writings. The quran details it entirely. Do not be upset. They did the same thing with every religion. They used Ignatius Layola as the new face of Jesuits to do the name change. Once again. What do you expect. Religion is an indoctrination. A brain control program. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.
At this time in Egypt. The Jesuit priests. Called Zoro astrians at this time. Decided to change their god Nimrod to Horus and Osiris whose eye we see at the top of their pyramid. Sun worship dominated Egypt just as it dominated every empire in history. Lucifer is the god of the sun. The angel of light. They change names often. They change terms often. Claimed to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer. In the ritual the followers ate the wafer they believed to now be turned into the flesh of their sun god Lucifer. The letters IHS on the sun shaped wafers stand for Isis. Horus. Set.
Joseph Smith was the face of Mormonism and it was started, like Scientology. In exactly the same way as Muhammad. Joseph Smith was drugged by the CIA. Then they red passages of the Bible to him and made him write down what he heard. And the masses mindlessly devour all propaganda the elite throw at them. Billy Graham. Rush Limbaugh. Jerry Falwell. And all the other mega men across the world. They are false prophets. They tell lies and steal your money to give to the elite. We see today our poster children for truth and freedom. Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Both well known CIA agents funded and related to the Rothchilds. They are both used to honey pot real whistle blowers and steal your money by creating funds and foundations and telling you they are to support someone who they are exploiting. Because they came forward with truth. This is how it has always worked. Divide and Conquer. They create whatever they need to to continue creating division in us all. They herd us into groups and keep us brain washed and blind. They feed us propaganda that we believe without even thinking because of their mind control.
The truth is not comfortable. But this is all fact. And much more we have written out and exposed to you. There is far more on all religions in our document. Most of their deceptions are created in the same way. A pawn is used as the face of truth or change. A puppet. When the task is done the elite sacrifice them or make them a prophet or saint. Or award winner. Star. The elite play both sides. Always. So. How can we know who is a real truth speaker and fighter for humanity? For starters. We must be diligent. We must watch. And we must act when they step out of line. Like a viper in the sand. We wait for them to step too close. And strike them when they do. We are the ones to keep them in line. The power is ours. They must tell us their plans before they do them. According to the oath. A deeper oath than those we have discussed thus far.
Their patterns can be seen through history and the tribe they are is exposed with much more in our writing so we will continue now with what is happening today.
The Knights of Malta are seen today, known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. It represents itself as a charitable organization and works with the UN since 1994 providing hospitals and help to the poor, hungry and with natural disasters. Other branches are called FEMA and Red Cross. They continue pushing the world on the depopulation agenda. What better way than when you are in total control of the health. The food. The medicines. The elite love the sick and poor because they are closer to death which is exactly what they want you to do. Die. That is why Red Cross spreads diseases in their vaccines to experiment on and kill off millions of people every year in the name of charity. They are deceivers. FEMA is in charge of the death camps that have been used for over one hundred years in America. This should not have to be explained to you or anyone. The amount of exposing videos and documents on these topics is overwhelming. There is no excuse for ignorance.
Still you think the One World Order is not in place. You want to complain and act shocked and amazed when the elite play their games. This is not shocking. This is nothing new. And there is much. Much. More.
Part 4.
We know the elite perform ritual sacrifices, false flags and other types of destruction to keep everyone in a state of fear. Why is there this constant flooding of fear porn? Because. The elite are very dark and negative people. Everything they do is to create tension and fear. A stressed frequency. They feed off of fear and negative energy. So Let us discuss some de population tactics they are using today and how they effect us.
Cern and harp technologies around the world are being used daily to change the frequencies in the atmosphere and earth. These frequencies heat up the atmosphere and thats how they created the global warming hoax. To again create fear. Research Scalar physics and how cern and harp will be and are used to control chem trails which are in your air. Food and water. So it is in you. Not to mention the toxic substances in chem trails. All is easy to find for yourself. We implore you to look into these things more so you know the full truth. They control frequencies and because everyone has a different tolerance. The results are devastating. They only show you death and destruction that they have created to make you fear. To mess up your bodies frequencies. Everything is made of frequency. They have even changed the tuning of music. Adjusted it a few hertz ages ago. Just enough so we do not notice. The affect is slow. Another infection. Another frog slowly boiling. We do not notice until the frequency is no longer there. And our minds and bodies are allowed to normalize. Everything they do is so we can not have peace. They create diseases and medications and foods to kill us all slowly. They feed us lies and fear on their controlled media platforms. They program us with fear before we are born. In every area of our existence we are under stress. Stress creates sickness and death. We must break the system. Knowledge defeats Fear. Fear Less.
Let us look at this for just a moment longer so you can see a bit better.
When your body has something toxic in it. It tries to keep it away from you as much as it can. The poisons in the GMO foods are stored as fat, since it can not benefit the system. Just as you produce mucus when you have a sickness. Your body is trying to keep it away because it is bad. When you detox or loose weight. At first you feel sick and tired. That is because you are releasing the toxins you have stored into your system. People say to drink lots of water because you need to flush your system and keep it clean. Chem trails is just another war front on our body and mind. Hard calcium builds up in the brain and other areas of the body. This prohibits brain growth, memory and all sorts of issues. Just as vaccines melt and deform parts of the brain. Causing major damage. There is a very informative documentary on vaccines out now called Vaxxed. The link is in the description below as well as a link to a video about GMO and the food situation. We will not go into there further here because of time.
There is a cure. We will discuss this later. When you are clean, you will realize your tension and fear and panic and stress will be released. You will be able to think clearly and remember things. When your frequencies are normal. You will not be depressed and anxious and many health and mental issues vanish completely. When we are able to be free. Eat real food. Drink fresh water. Breathe fresh air. When we are free.
Now. We have talked about private rituals. How about the rituals they perform for us to see?
The elite use what we call a hoax or a false flag event to social engineer and carry out their rituals in plain sight. They have done this social engineering all through history. People do die. The people who appear on the news and in front of a camera, are paid by the CIA and other 3 letter groups with no government ties. All under control of the Vatican. These paid actors are contracted into silence, paid handsomely for their poor services. Typically through a fund which you. The public. Donate to like idiots. Never looking further. Some actors are used multiple times, as we have seen in the Boston and Paris bombings and various shooting events. Or posing as doctors when there is the need for an epidemic scare. The people killed are blood sacrifices and the events themselves are carefully scripted rituals. The world is a stage. They mock our stupidity in their brazen displays.
They plastered their Hexagram onto the Judeans as a symbol of sacrifice to Lucifer. The world war two holocaust, like all others, was planned, and set up by them generations in advance. Each generation passing on the teachings to the next and carrying out the plan. Mass Murder is a Luciferian, Jesuit Human Sacrifice Ritual.
They slaughtered hundreds with the swine flu, cancer and Aids experiments. Not to mention the countless others. The catholic Jesuits. Nuns. Monks. Priests. then parade around the countries the elite impoverish. Traffic children for their sex and blood rituals and plant diseases that kill millions through vaccines produced by the Red Cross. They rape and pillage. As they have always done. Then those who do the best work. In their depopulation agenda and cult. Are made into saints and prayed to by the blind.
Murder makes money. Wars Pay. Over 38 million people died in world war one. The Rockefellers alone, made about 5 dollars and 27 cents per death.
The Tuskegee Experiment began after that. Another successful population control program. You think Zika, Ebola, the Bubonic plague are any different? Nothing is new. They have been creating diseases and infecting us to kill us off for thousands of years. Bio Warfare. Genocide.
Part 5
Information. Dis Information.
The elite bought the printing presses as soon as they were invented, just like all inventions. When the TV was put out for the public, it was no different. If they are not given easy access by the inventor, then he is simply silenced, or murdered and they take it. When one can not be black mailed or threatened or paid into silence. The elite have no reason to keep them around. Death does not affect them because your life does not matter to them. They care nothing for you. They own the media. Every person who you see regularly on TV is in their control. They control it. If you are not in their agenda. You do not get seen or heard. Censorship is nothing new. It starts at the beginning of everything they do.
They can not abide freedom. They must create death camps called countries. Dividing us in an endless amount of ways. They must create populations that are uneducated, unhealthy and unmotivated. They are masters of deception. Made easy by their control of all media, education, wealth, religions and governments. Because they worship death. It is all they can see and they are blinded by it. They have no freedom because they swear oaths and pledges. Which makes freedom impossible.
They control our minds through distraction and deception. Should not be hard to understand how this is done. Subliminal messages have been exposed time and time again in our movies and games and commercials. It doesn’t stop there. We are kept locked in a world of fantasy. Dreaming of the Stars. A false reality. Hollywood. Disney. TV Programming has been working on us for generations now. Controlling our perceptions. All of what you see on Tele Vision Programming or from any main stream media source is scripted. They are all actors. The politicians. The news. All given a script. They play the game using the numbers and symbols. Sports are scripted. Awards and competitions and talent shows are all scripted. The Olympic Games. The ritual celebration for who the elite called Apollo and Zeus in Rome when the first games started to slaughter the christ believers of the day. We still celebrate that ritual to Lucifer world wide. Scripted. Movies are scripted. News is scripted. It is all a show. It is all set up to keep you wrapped into a reality that has no meaning or existence. It is a Psychological Operation. Just like the wars and the violence.
They create distractions. Movements. Protests. They fund them. They create them. They control them. If they do not start out that way and become successful, they are soon infiltrated and taken over. Black Lives Matter, like the Black Panthers and Ku Klux Klan. It is all exactly the same. Same agenda. Same funding. Same controllers. They always play both sides. They pin us all against each other in hopes we will die faster and not see it is they who are the problem. Black Lives Matter was created by George Soros to start a race war in America just as in the 18 hundreds. Now we will see the Pipe line protests in America will turn into the Descendants of American Indians in a race war against the Descendants of Immigrants. However the Native American descendants never seem to do enough research into their truth either. As the tribe they originate from was interbred with the elite’s tribe long before they separated and stayed in America when the tribes were sailing. Trading gold and opium. Those who did not separate in America to later be called Indians continued with the remaining and elite tribes and collected in Egypt. Regardless. No one is exempt from the lies. The elite will continue creating division and events until they can openly claim martial law without notice.
There is no such thing as racism. We are all one race. We are all the human race. That is all you get. Sorry you are not special because you were born. No one is.
So we see, in the elite blood lines today. There are the Arabian, Turkish, German, and Asian families involved. That is because it is not about race. We are all one race. What matters to the top elite. Within the elite blood line is the purity of their blood. To them. The purity of the blood increases the satanic power they possess. Not their skin color or country or any of it matters. Those separations were created to keep us separated and keep us divided. We are all attacked equally by the elite. They want us All dead. Do you not see how they laugh at us as we fall for their tricks every time. The throw a bomb into a building. Paste the picture of a plane to it and tell you what happened. They watch us run around like cockroaches, families broken, lives destroyed. They laugh. Because they have told us before about what they will do to us. Still we let them do it and react in the exact same way every fucking time. Yes they laugh. They troll the masses and the masses feed the troll. It would be pitiful if we all were not so utterly guilty.
It all seems so obvious. But as we look around it seems still no one gets the picture.
We are saturated in distraction, division and deception. We are kept working as slaves all day and more for most. Then we plug ourselves in to brain washing willingly, to ease the stress of our enslavement. We dress our bondage with brain washing ourselves even further. Play some more games. Take more selfies so you can get likes on face book and fill the meaningless hole your lives have become. Contributing and living in the fake reality you do, is never going to make you happy or content in life. Life is more. Which means we must be more. People have an emptiness because we are meant to have true freedom and life and happiness and love. We are supposed to have peace and caring. We are supposed to be more than we are. Everyone around the world wonders why they are not happy. And like idiots, go chasing after every little crumb of sugar the elite throw at them. We are addicted to their life they have forced us into. We must break the addiction.
Education is a major part of the mind control experiment run on humans. It all started around 940 AD. Gerbert d'Aurillac who is known by his Jesuit name Pope Sylvester II, an alchemist son of a shepherd, which alone should explain everything. Became the head at the catholic school in Rheims. He had. Quote. no background but eventually was given a false background by the church who named a monastery after him. A common practice to this day. False background for false actors for a false existence. He reintroduced what we now call liberal arts. social studies. or public education and it has been our education system ever since. Gerbert was descended from Theodoric IV, carrying the elite’s bloodline. That is how this works. That is the only way this works.
Today we see the implementation of common core. Another fancy term for elite’s education new edition. We will not discuss this further as it is easy to find the truth on.
It is important to keep in mind. The teachers we see in schools. Just like the doctors we go to. Have been brainwashed, just like you. Their entire lives. The educations they have received were controlled from the start. They, like us, have only been given lies to feed us with. It is our duty to wake up everyone we can. To show our doctors and our teachers and our lawyers and our pastors the true deception and control. We who are awake have a duty to wake up those who are not. Like a ripple effect, the truth will expand across the world. But, you must throw the first seed of truth into the masses. All that needs to be done, is for the truth to be heard. That is all.
Part 6
Do not be discouraged. We know this information is very intensive and for those who are just waking up or not awake. It can be very overwhelming at first. Only knowledge will cure this.
In their pride. They fucked up. They are not perfect, although they are well planned and dedicated. They did not expect the internet would take off as it did and allow for so much information to be shared so widely. It was all consumed by the public faster than any of their previous experiments. They were able to keep most distracted with their created and controlled games and social media platforms and movies.
However. They did now expect Anonymous. They did not. Expect us.
The Internet is our domain. We are the watchers. We have learned the system of the beast, the new world order control system. The matrix. That is why they are trying to take it back. Now people are realizing the censorship on twitter, face book and you tube. The internet is censored in every country. Just as every piece of technology you are allowed to purchase has been created by the elite. Fully equip with whatever they need to censor and track you. To control you. Same with the tools they provide. Search Engines controlled by them. Google. Wiki pedia. Controlled by them. Same with the internet now. They want control of everything you see, hear, say, think and do.
On October 1, Obama is handing over the internet to private, global, entities, the final nail in freedoms coffin. Information. Knowledge. Truth. These are our tools and without them the human species will die.
In the past, countries and tribes through centuries have pushed the elite out of power. Eradicated their evil from society and banished them from their lands. The elite learned, they must control information. They must control knowledge so we never find the truth. They have been waging cyber war for a while now with ever increasing intensity. They infiltrate real truth movements and whistle blowers and Anonymous groups. They hide under these labels only to honey pot those who fight for truth and freedom. The government especially targets Anonymous since it is the most well known internet label for truth warriors. We are known to fight against governments and expose their corruption. We fight for humanity. Anonymous is just that. The idea of humanity. That is why there is no leader. There is no organization. There is no membership or sec. That is why anonymous says that anonymous is everyone. The idea of humanity and what it can be, lives in each of us. If we allow it to be seen and heard. Those who do and those who act on it are Anonymous. So the agents of deception are brought in and growing steadily now online. Infiltrating and creating disinfo and division. And as always. We have exposed them.
The inter webs are Anonymous Domain. Their deception worked for a long time. But. Their time is up.
Anarchy is Rising. It is time for humanity to be free, like every other species on earth. We must be free.
Many many wonder why no one has come forward before? Well. Simply put. You must not be looking. Over time you can follow the blood soaked path of whistle blowers pouring through history. We blow the whistle on corruption and evil. And they murder us one by one. Because humanity does not stand with us.
When Obama passed the bill making it legal to assassinate American citizens and non American citizens without trial, in any country, with a drone, no one batted an eye. Now we are fish in a barrel. Over the last year alone over 100 top medical researchers have been murdered to keep them silent. Dozens of Judges have been killed. You will not find out about it on the main news. The elite know that the whistle blowers' fellow heretics will hear about the deaths and it is for them the messages are sent. Not the public.
February 2, 2013 Phillip Marshall and his two children and his shih tzu, Suki were all shot to death in their California home. None of Marshall's family who flew out there were allowed to attend the funeral. The public was told he went suddenly crazy and killed everyone and himself. He was murdered for writing books exposing the workings of the CIA.
Michael Hastings exposed General Stanley Mac Chrystal, top commander of United States forces in Afghanistan, and was working on a story about the CIA. He contacted Wiki leaks with his concerns of FBI and a few hours later he was dead. "Mr. Hastings was believed to have been alone in the car, which struck a tree at high speed, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner's office." stated New York Times. Jim Stone noted, "There is no impact damage to this car. The only damage there is blown out in the back, not smashed in the front and it obviously missed the tree as it rolled to a stop."
Wiki leaks is a known honey pot used by the elite. Just like The Guardian, Courage Foundation and many others. Remember, they play both sides. They are masters of deception. Pawns of the elite are easily spotted. For those who watch. They are taken care of by the elite. That is why they are still alive and on TV frequently. They have a product to sell. They are used by the elite to bait innocent people. One would like to think that Assange and Snowden were good people at one time. That they were once freedom fighters and truth speakers. We can only hope that they will be one day as all proof shows they are an infection of the elite. They are both supported and protected by the Rothschild family and they will be until they are no longer needed. Until they are not a media hit anymore. No longer stars. Just like actors and musicians and others. They are expendable. They are only there to give the media a story to distract you with. You are not free. We can only hope they will turn on the elite, like the rest who have tried to come forward before or who have spoken out in the past. If we unite. Perhaps it will give those hiding, the courage to stand with us and free themselves as well. First they discredit. Then they silence.
Ted Gunderson, Chief of FBI and Special Agent was murdered after exposing chem trails. Truman Capote was murdered by gun as well as gagged, tied, and beaten for the words he wrote on paper and passed to the world. Not only is free speech long gone, but the freedom for the reader to choose what to read is gone as well. Many who speak out against the elite Jesuits are killed by having their throats crushed. There is always important symbolism in the deaths of the whistle blowers who anger the wrong people. It is very personal to the elite. They have a difficult time controlling all of the rage and evil inside them.
There are many more but, like all who blow the whistle of truth. We do not want to be idolized and put on display. We are not heroes. We are not idols. The truth, not us, is what is important. That is why Identity does not matter when it comes to truth. Anonymous knows this.
If so many die. And those who go into this and decide to stand up. Die. Why do people do it?
There comes a time in your life when you have to decide what will you do with it? Do you want to be a slave. Or do you want to be free. There is such a thing as doing something. Simply because it is the right thing to do. That is the case with us. People do not want to die. Especially to die against their will and in a very horrible way. But the truth sets us free. And Once we have been set free and know the truth. There is no hiding it. There is no turning back. No giving up. The truth is bigger than that. Everyone must be allowed to know the truth.
It is as simple as that. There is no question or decision to be made. The die is cast. We are the unashamed. Unchained. We must do what is right. We must speak truth.
Part 7
Now. We have come a long way. But How can we break from this system?
It will be hard work. We must all learn how to think. Once we have broken the mind control and indoctrination. We must all relearn every single thing we think we know.
We must change ourselves. Our thoughts. Our actions.
We must fight to keep truth safe and free. It is not always comfortable. It is not easy. It’s not supposed to be. Life is supposed to be so much more than we are allowed today. We must learn how to read between the lies.
Today we work all day to make what someone else tells us our time and work is worth. We get the paper and metals they allow us to have. Then we are told by someone else how much we owe them. We are dictated what food we are allowed to eat based on the paper and metal someone else decided we earned. We are slaves. And too many are too blind to realize.
We pay taxes from the money we are told we are allowed to have. Our tithe to the beloved government who does so much for us. They take that money and give you back more laws and regulations. More rules. More restrictions. More chances for you to screw up so they can take more of your money. Or better yet lock you in a cage.
Like animals, you gladly send your children to foreign countries you can not locate on a map because your masters tell you to. You are happy to send and be sent off to kill strangers you have the lack of care to learn about. You are happy to serve the master of money and war and slaughter innocent children, women and men. Happy to devastate families. You don’t know them. Why care? It isn’t your family. They couldn’t possibly be like you. They don’t think, or dream or laugh, like you do. If you believe that your country is the only country in the world with the ability to have functioning life in it. You are the problem.
Every person who puts on a uniform and a gun is an enemy of all who do not. Do not be fooled any longer. All who do so take an oath. Yet many celebrate them as heroes. Patriots. Americans especially have a serious hard on for their patriotic heroes. Just like the Nazis. The rest of the world calls them. Blood thirsty murdering savages. Which is a bit more accurate.
We hope this next clip will help you understand how we can live in peace. Without a government or ruling class controlling us. We will also leave links in the description to other videos that can teach you the changes you must make to free yourself from your captivity.
Everyone wants change. But. The change must start with you. Knowledge erases fear. Fear nothing.
So. Firstly. How does society work without this control we are so used to now? The human species, like all other species. If allowed to be human, uncorrupted by control. Will thrive in peace and prosperity. Just as every other species lives naturally. So will we.
No government. No rulers. No brain washing. No control. We would have to act like humans. We would have to take responsibility for our actions and the actions of those around us. We would have to learn what is means to be responsible. And Accountable.
So. Now that we know how society should work. How do we make it happen? We are all under so much mind control and trauma. We all are addicted to something. Food. Medications. We have chem trail poisoning and much much more. We must cure ourselves. And with government. Society can never cure itself. When we are healthy, happy and clean. Our minds can work properly. Our bodies can function as they are supposed to.
So we need to learn how to do that. How do we get healthy? Dr. Sebi was recently murdered by the government because he has cured cancer, aids, Schizophrenia, Depression, Diabetes and many many other things. Naturally. He had just gotten a patent on the cures when he was jailed and murdered. The earth produces everything humanity needs to survive freely and openly. Can you not understand that?
We must all wake up now and act. In October 2016 the Jesuits will be electing their new Black Pope. This and many other extremely important events will be taking place by the New Year. Many will be devastating. Unless the masses wake up and stop them of course. It will be interesting indeed. We will see what happens. If you rise with us. Or if you get left behind.
They now rage in war, far and wide, in consequence of our neglect.
Our own sins enables them to continue their raids at will.
The penalty for our sins being that they have become well known and feared.
King Ermanaric wrote in his journal before he and his kingdom were over run and destroyed by the elite. At that time called Antes. First century BC.
There is much more you need to know. However, you have learned quite a lot for one day.
Please share this video and see the links in the description. Help wake up every one you can.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.
Our fight is against rulers.
Against the authorities.
Against the powers of this dark world.
And against the forces of evil.
Expect Us.
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